Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I love...

Traveling alone by train.
Long grass with purple edges, bending in the wind.
The hum of bees in purple clover in the middle of the afternoon.
Words with the sound "snick" in them.
Crooked smiles.
Reading inside listening to children's voices outside.
Boys in shiney shorts.
Leaving a hot party to go outside and feel cold snow fall on my face and neck.
Fresh baked croissants.
Listening to languages I don't understand.
Being kissed on the inside of the upper arm.
Cooking for people I love.
Little girls laughing.
Receiving a letter from a foreign country.
Listening to my lover sing or speak with my head pressed against his chest.
The yellow color of the clock on Independence Hall.
Drunkards singing in the street.
Scabby knees and elbows on kids.
Fireflies rising after a thunderstorm.
Discovering an echo.
Lying still, not speaking, only touching.
Sifting dry rice through my fingers.
Girls with dark curls.
Old men in belts AND suspenders.
Thick wet eyelashes.
Music from a distance.
Coming home after being away and sleeping alone in your own bed.
Cold water causing condensation to form on a dark blue glass.
Hands with dirt or ink deep in the lines.
High tension wires.
Thinking the same thought at the same time.
Walking into a room and catching the smell of someone you love who has just been there and is now gone.
Painting a pretty girl's toenails.
Boys who put flowers in girls' hair.
Making a stranger blush.
Brushing teeth.
The smell of men who have been cutting grass all day.
Shaved heads.